Navigating ITAR Considerations for International Trade Show Exhibitors

International trade shows provide an excellent opportunity for companies to showcase their products and services on a global stage, forge international partnerships, and expand their market presence. However, for exporters in industries with sensitive technology and information, such as defense, aerospace, and high-tech manufacturing, participation in international trade shows comes with a unique set of challenges. One of the most significant hurdles to overcome is understanding and complying with the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). In this blog post, we will delve into key considerations and strategies for exporters looking to demonstrate at international trade shows while staying ITAR compliant.

Key ITAR Considerations for Trade Show Exhibitors

  1. Classification of Items: Before participating in an international trade show, exporters must accurately classify their products or technologies under ITAR. This involves determining whether the items fall under the US Munitions List (USML). Correct classification is crucial because it dictates the level of control and licensing required for the export.
  2. Licensing Requirements: Depending on the classification of items, exporters may need to obtain the necessary export licenses from the U.S. Department of State. It’s essential to initiate this process well in advance of the trade show, as the licensing process can be time-consuming.
  3. Controlled Technical Data: Exhibitors must also consider the export of controlled technical data. This can include blueprints, schematics, manuals, and any other documentation related to the items on display. Sharing such data with foreign nationals at the trade show may require specific authorizations.
  4. Security Measures: Implementing robust security measures is critical to safeguarding sensitive information and systems. This can include controlling access to your booth, encrypting electronic files, and limiting discussions about sensitive technology.
  5. Foreign National Employees: If your company employs foreign nationals, be mindful of their roles during the trade show. Ensure that they are not involved in any activities that could violate the ITAR.
  6. 123.16(b)(5) Temporary Export Exception: The temporary export exception allows you to bring ITAR-controlled items to an international trade show without a permanent export. However, certain conditions and documentation must be met for this exception to apply.

Strategies for ITAR Compliance at International Trade Shows

  1. Seek Expert Advice: Consult with experts who specialize in export controls and ITAR compliance. They can help you navigate the complexities and ensure that you meet all requirements.
  2. Develop a Compliance Program: Establish an ITAR compliance program within your organization. This should include training for employees, clear procedures for classifying items, and protocols for managing controlled technical data.
  3. Pre-Show Planning: Well in advance of the trade show, work closely with the event organizers and U.S. authorities to ensure that your participation aligns with the ITAR. This may involve coordinating with the U.S. Department of State for licensing and permissions.
  4. Secure Your Booth: Implement physical and electronic security measures at your trade show booth. Restrict access to sensitive items and information and monitor your booth closely throughout the event.
  5. Document Everything: Maintain meticulous records of all interactions and transactions during the trade show. This documentation can be crucial in demonstrating compliance in case of audits or inquiries.
  6. Training and Awareness: Train your staff about ITAR and their responsibilities in ensuring compliance. Make sure they understand the importance of adhering to the rules.


Participating in international trade shows can be a powerful way to grow your business on a global scale. However, for exporters in sensitive industries, ITAR compliance is a non-negotiable aspect of international trade show participation. By understanding the regulations, seeking expert guidance, and implementing robust compliance measures, you can successfully showcase your products and technologies to the world while safeguarding national security interests. Remember, when it comes to ITAR, compliance is the key to unlocking the benefits of international trade shows.
