Strategic Solutions Integrated, Inc. and Defense Trade Solutions Announce Strategic Partnership

DTS selected to be the provider of choice to SSI and affiliated companies in facilitating international sales success

Washington, D.C. – Strategic Solutions Integrated, Inc. is pleased to select Defense Trade Solutions as a provider of professional services and consulting expertise to their affiliated community of high-technology defense companies. This partnership will allow Strategic Solutions Integrated, Inc. to leverage Defense Trade Solutions’ vast experience in decreasing regulatory and policy friction impacting international sales.

 About the firms:

Strategic Solutions Integrated, Inc. (SSI)

Headquartered in Fairfax, VA, Strategic Solutions Integrated, Inc. (SSI) is a veteran-owned small business specializing in providing unique access opportunities to international and domestic as well as government and industry leaders in a wide variety of disciplines. Aside from having extensive experience in networking, business strategy, and Department of Defense expertise, SSI excels at ensuring that customers have the best opportunities to meet their company goals.  SSI’s primary focus area lies in finding disruptive technologies and assisting the customer in bringing it to the market.


Defense Trade Solutions (DTS)

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Defense Trade Solutions (DTS) is a trusted partner of defense companies and law firms in providing professional services for international business success in the areas of defense trade policy, releasability, export controls, and execution. The DTS team of experts was established with a desire to provide top-tier defense contractor support to companies of all sizes and includes members with technical subject matter expertise gained from U.S. government and prime defense contractor leadership roles.
