Steven Casazza


“One-part global trade evangelist, one-part creative problem solver, two-parts team motivator, and one-part political negotiator. I love what we do because defense exports are the best team sport!”
– Steven Casazza, President

Steve is a visionary, big-picture thinker, and DTS’ President. His role is vital in leading the company’s defense trade strategies. Steven has built his years of expertise leading defense trade planning in the areas of policy, releasability, export controls, and international program execution in the U.S. and abroad. When he is not meeting one-on-one with clients helping them navigate and eliminate friction in the U.S. Government export approval process, he is leading the day-to-day operations of his high-performing team. Steven is committed to increasing mission performance and believes the energetic and entrepreneurial atmosphere is the driving force for building the DTS culture. His goal is to give talented people the space to explore, learn, and innovate in pursuit of something game-changing for their clients.  Steve resides in Washington, DC with his loving wife and son, and in his spare time plays guitar and trains martial arts of multiple disciplines.

  • George Washington University, Master of Arts in International Science & Technology Policy
  • George Washington University, Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs
  • Defense Acquisition University (DAU), Level III International Acquisition Career Path Certification
  • Member of the Department of State Defense Trade Advisory Group (DTAG)
  • Former Advisor on the Department of Commerce International Trade Advisory Committee (ITAC) on Aerospace Equipment
  • Former Chair of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation Export Committee
  • Former Guest Lecturer on Export Control Systems at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies Nuclear Policy Leadership Initiative Program
  • Senior Manager of Technology Release, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
  • Manager of International Trade Compliance, Sierra Nevada Corporation
  • Export Policy Analyst, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Defense Exports & Cooperation
  • iPhone or Android? iPhone
  • Iron Man or Captain America? Iron Man (no doubt)
  • What superpower would you like to have? Healing Factor