Isabelle has recently left Arizona State University with not nearly as much as her energy could have allowed. Having studied supply chain management, business sustainability, and political science as her choice of degrees, she now wishes to delve into the intersection between supply chain and international relations further. Isabelle currently speaks German and a bit of Vietnamese and has chosen Russian as her hobby horse. In her spare time, she enjoys listening to Advisory Opinions, The Intelligence, and doing jiu-jitsu.

Click here to read her bio.


A rising sophomore in college, Jamie Grillo studies politics and business in the American University Honors program and holds elected office in his hometown. Having gained experience in local, state, and national government, Jamie decided to get an international foothold with DTS. He has been to twelve countries, used to competitively fence, and was once the chairman of a local zoning board. In addition to Washington DC, Jamie calls Plymouth, MA home, where he lives with his mother, sister, and bernedoodle puppy.

Click here to read his bio.

